What is hard water?

Hard water is the result of dissolved minerals in water. These minerals are primarily calcium and magnesium and are common in both city and well water. Hardness produces scale buildup in dishwashers, ice makers, water heaters, washing machines, coffee makers, irons, CPAP machines, humidifiers and all water using appliances. Hard water can also contribute to dry itchy skin, water spots on dishes, glasses, pots and pans. Hard water increases soap scum and requires you to use more detergents. An EcoWater representative can test your water for hardness and show you how to protect your home and family.

What causes my skin to feel so dry and itchy?

When we shower in hard water, the minerals clog the pores of our skin, preventing our natural body oils from providing moisture. Soap and shampoo stick to minerals leaving us with a thin film of soap scum on our skin. Chlorine can also be a factor that leads to dry and itchy skin. High levels of chemicals in the water like chlorine can also contribute to dry itchy skin.

How is water softened?

The hard water passes through a tank containing a filter media called “resin”. Resin attracts the minerals that are dissolved in the water much like a magnet. Once the resin has reached it’s capacity and the tank is full, then the EcoWater System automatically cleans itself with a sodium solution and dumps the harmful minerals away. The result is longer lasting water using appliances, softer skin and hair, less water spots on dishes, pots and pans, more efficient water heating, no chlorine throughout the house, and many, many more benefits.

Is my water safe to drink?

We get our water from lakes, rivers and streams. Run-off from the ground surface washes many contaminates into our water supply. There are also natural elements in the ground that are dissolved into the water. The municipal water treatment facilities treat the water with filtration and chemicals, like chlorine. Once the water is treated it is “safe” to government standards, but what about your standards? How much arsenic, lead, chlorine, fluoride, chromium and other chemicals do you want in your drinking water?

How do I get high quality drinking water in my home?

The quality of your home’s water may meet local standards, but it might not meet your own. An EcoWater Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Sytstem will remove at least 95% of the dissolved solids in your water. Reverse Osmosis Systems are usually used in the kitchen, where you are most apt to get your drinking water, and where you prepare all of your food and beverages. You need the healthiest and best tasting water available for your family consumption. You are what you drink!


Can Iron and Sulphur be removed from my water?

EcoWater has systems for problems found in well water. Iron, Sulphur, Bacteria, Hardness, and other contaminates can be found in well water. The most important step in determining a solution is to first have your water tested by an EcoWater professional. Once we determine what is in your water, then we can offer the best possible solution.

How do I know what EcoWater System I need for my water?

EcoWater offers all homeowners a complimentary water analysis at your home. We will answer all your questions and provide you with the water test results. Once we determine what is in your water, and what your concerns may be then we will provide you with a complimentary recommendation.

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